Tuesday, February 14, 2006

New vocabulary

I think most librarians consider themselves to be pretty good when it comes to language skills. It would appear that we have a greater than average vocabulary and any of us even tend to play word games in our spare time. Lexicographically speaking, we can kick it with the best. So imagine my embarrassment to find that there are some words I don't know!!!

Anyway, I was telling some friends recently that I'm learning new words and how exciting that is. ( I know I'm a nerd - lay off, ok!?) So for your education, edification and enjoyment, here are the new terms I have incorporated into my vocabulary in the last fortnight...


"Moxibustion is the application of heat resulting from the burning of a small bundle of tightly bound herbs, or moxa, to targeted acupoints. It is used along with acupuncture."

"Auriculotherapy is the stimulation of the auricle of the external ear for the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions in other parts of the body. It is also known as ear acupuncture or auricular acupuncture when the stimulation is achieved by the insertion of acupuncture needles, whereas the term auriculotherapy often refers to electrical stimulation of the surface of ear reflex points. Specific points on the ear can also be stimulated by manual pressure, referred to as auricular acupressure or ear reflexology. Acupuncture points on the ear can also be stimulated with lasers, magnets, and ear pellets."

"Disease or deformity of a nail or the nails"
(1995, Dorland's Pocket Medical Dictionary, W.B. Saunders: Sydney)

Stay tuned for more exciting verbal expansion!

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